Apr 191 minGS1 Hong Kong’s 13th Consumer Caring Scheme honored 85 local companies YHKCare is pleased to announce that the company has been recognized as a "Caring Company" by the Hong Kong GS1 for four consecutive...
May 30, 20231 minCosmopolitan HK | Beauty Panel review紓緩脆弱敏感肌|香港本地品牌YHKCare全新抗敏滋潤保濕霜🌿成分天然保濕、改善泛紅淡紋! Detail report (In Chinese): https://www.cosmopolitan.com.hk/beauty-panel/report/yhkcare-so...
May 30, 20232 min@cosme | 盤點冬天保濕滋潤好物,趕在節日前擺脫乾燥不適!YHKcare 亞麻籽抗敏滋潤保濕霜|本地天然植萃品牌,溫和高保濕 冬天時,編輯會轉用更濃密的面霜,以滋潤肌膚及補充天然皮脂,提升肌膚屏障鎖水力,肌膚才不易缺水乾燥!香港本地護膚品牌 YHKcare,以天然成份及濕疹護理為用家所喜愛。YHKCare其實是源於創辦人想為兒子紓...
May 30, 20233 minUSDA-Certified Biobased ProductYHK Design Limited Earns USDA-Certified Biobased Product Label